I am currently sitting in Starbucks, drinking a delightful Vanilla Rooibos Tea, while Kyle is working making caffeine addicts happy.
I haven't written on my blog in a while...there have been a few posts that I have started writing, then I'd get frustrated half-way through them and realized they were too personal or angry to post, therefore no new entries...haha
I don't know if I really have anything interesting to write about though. Here's a couple of things I suppose.
1. Kyle and I are planning on going on a trip with Faceless International. Faceless is an organization that seeks to help people who are exploited all across the planet. Whether these people be coffee farmers or sex-slaves, this organization desires to give them recognition and help. They desire to raise awareness in the community about social issues that need to be fixed. They offer various trips throughout the year for various causes. Right now, their main focus is on the issue of sex-trafficking that is present world-wide...even in the United States.
According to Wikipedia: "Human trafficking is the practice of people being tricked, lured, coerced or otherwise removed from their home or country, and then compelled to work with no or low payment or on terms which are highly exploitative. The practice is considered to be trade or commerce in people, which has many features of slavery, and which is illegal in most countries. The victims of human trafficking can be used in a variety of situations, including prostitution, forced labor (including bonded labor or debt bondage) and other forms of involuntary servitude."
Sex-trafficking is specifically where victims (primarily young children/women) are forced into prostitution and for other sexual acts. Many times these victims are kidnapped and sold. They have no say in the matter...it is very evil, frightening, depressing, and unjust.
You may ask, Why don't these victims just leave? They can't. They are usually threatened with being killed or with physical abuse. They are trapped.
What you saw in the movie "Taken" is very real. It's happening all around us...and it's time we do something about it.
My heart breaks for these women and children who are facing this injustice. That is why Kyle and I want to go on this trip...we want to learn more about the issue of sex-trafficking. We want to help spread awareness. We want to bring about change...
Yes, this is a very scary, depressing, and daunting issue...but unless we actually get off of our butts and do something about it, then it simply remains a very scary, depressing, and daunting issue.
So this trip that we are wanting to go on is in Nashville, TN at the end of March. We will be hearing a lot of speakers and what not on the issue, but will also be working with refugees from all over the world that have settled in the area.
The biggest thing Kyle and I need is the money to go on this trip...so if you have any ideas for fundraising, please let us know!
2. I have spent so much time thinking and writing about Faceless/sex-trafficking that I forgot the other thing I was going to share...haha!
Thanks for reading...whoever actually reads this. :-)