So I'm a little wary about posting this entry, because its kinda strange and personal...but I think its time I just put it out for the World Wide Web to stumble upon.
If you've followed my blog for a while, you may recall a couple posts I've written about prayer, praying for the salvation of others, my heart being burdened for someone I don't know, but I pray for them anyways...etc. Well, I just wanted to share about who it is I've been praying for.
I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed about it...but for some reason I do. Maybe because this person isn't just some stranger I've seen in a coffee shop or a random acquaintance...but because he's actually someone I've never met and probably never will. He is a celebrity in the U.K., an artist, a comedian, an actor. His name is Noel Fielding.
I learned about Noel through a television series he did called The Mighty Boosh. (I may regret writing that...!!!) Kyle and I find it quite hilarious...but it's definitely not for everyone. Let me repeat's definitely not for everyone! Anyways...back in 2010, God really began a work in my heart and life in regards to prayer and the lostness and brokenness of this world. And it was around this time when I learned of who Noel was. My heart became so incredibly burdened for him and for his salvation. Now, if you're a complete stranger/fan of Noel reading this, I understand how absurd this all must sound, especially if you are not a Christian (and/or if you have a negative view/experience with Christianity.. I know many Christians have done horrible things in the name of Jesus, and this breaks God's heart so deeply...) If that is the case, I hope and pray you will encounter the true love of Jesus.
Anyways at this point in my life, I really struggled with God. There were many nights I cried at the reality that so many people are going to hell. (There would be times when we'd be at a stop light, and I would look at the person in the car next to me and think "they may never know the salvation of Jesus and will spend an eternity without hell. yes, leigh hell. Will they ever be told about the love of Jesus?") I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It was honestly unbearable. But this is a journey I'm thankful for, because I learned (and am still learning) to have faith that moves mountains. And part of this learning process was praying for Noel.
"Um Leigh Anna...Shouldn't you be spending more of your mountain moving faith on people you know and love that need Jesus?...why waste it on a stranger? Let someone else do that..."
This was the number one doubt and frustration I had in praying for Noel. I felt like I should be spending more time praying intently and intensely for those close to me...why him? And God revealed to me..."because he needs prayer too...and there is a good chance he might not have anyone at all praying specifically and intently for him. Your prayers for Noel are NOT wasted. I want you to pray for him, Leigh Anna..."
So I did...and still do.
I actually wrote Noel a letter 2 years ago. Yup. I contacted his management company for the address to send fan mail to and sent my letter off. I simply told Noel that God had put him on my heart, that I pray for him often, and told him that God loves him beyond measure and desires Noel to know Him. I don't know if Noel actually got it...and if he did, I don't know if he even read it. And if he read it...he probably spewed a mouthful of tea all over the place because he found it so hilarious and pathetic...
But what if...what if he tucked those words of truth quietly in his heart..."What if she's right? What if the whole God thing is real. What if Jesus was and is who they say he I really worthy of a love like that? Why the freak is some stranger praying for me? I don't need prayer...or do I?"
Who knows what happened with all that...only God knows. And only God knows the countless prayers I've prayed and still continue to pray for Noel Fielding, for Noel's family, Noel's closest friends and those in his life. God's heart breaks at the truth that many may never come to know him in this lifetime. But I believe He has given us prayer as a means to move His heart and His Holy Spirit to work in the lives of those who so desperately need Him, even if they don't know it yet. I know my prayers for Noel are not wasted...nor are they taken lightly by my loving Father. I believe that Noel will come to know the saving grace of Jesus. Maybe he already does...Say and think what you will...I'm weird, psycho, crazy, misunderstood, whatever...But I will not stop praying.
(...and I cant believe I've just posted one of the most vulnerable things in my life...but there you have it.)
"Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation..." -Romans 10:1
Friday, March 08, 2013
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Saturday, March 02, 2013
Fool for you
I would be a fool for you,All because you asked me to.A simpleton who's seemingly naive,I do believe, You came and made Yourself a fool for me.
I admit that in my darkest hours I've asked what if...What if we created some kind of man made faith like thisOut of good intention or emotional inventionAnd after life is through there will be no You.
'Cause they want proof of all these miracles I claim,'Cause only fools believe that men can walk on wavesMaybe, it's true....but,
I would be a fool for youAll because you asked me toA simpleton who's seemingly naiveI do believe You came and made Yourself a fool for me.
Unaware of popularity, unconcerned with dignity,You made me free, that's proof enough for me.
I would be a fool for You only if You asked me toA simpleton who's only thinking of the cause of love.
I will speak Jesus' nameThat makes me crazy, they can call me crazedI'm happy to be seemingly naiveI do believe You came and made Yourself a fool for me
A fool for You
-Nichole Nordeman
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