Thursday, March 04, 2010


I have been trying to use this blog for posts that have thought, meaning, etc. But, today I just can't help from writing about some good things that have made me excited and happy today. So here's a list!

1. I got paid today, and was reimbursed $77 that was taken out of my paychecks for health insurance that I didn't sign up for. Getting a paycheck gives me a very rewarding feeling!

2. I found out my work schedule for next week...and I have three days off in a row! That never happens! Although, it is somewhat sad (from the money standpoint) that I was cut 8 hours for the week...BUT, it is nice to get some time off every once and a while!

3. I applied for a position at the Seminary today. It is a Cashier/Housing Coordinator position. I know that the Lord has me at Cracker Barrel for a reason, but I know that I'm not supposed to be there forever. So this was a step of faith. I get nervous and anxious about new things and I feel really good that I followed through with applying.

4. I saved 10 cents per gallon on gas today at Kroger!

5. Kyle surprised me with Pistachios and an energy bar when I got off work today! He is so thoughtful! (I LOVE Pistachios...ALOT!)

6. Kyle and I's trip to Nashville with Faceless International is coming up in 2 weeks!!! We are super excited to go and learn more about trafficking, and work with the refugees! Also, Nashville is awesome, and we get to enjoy the city while we are there!

7. My parents and Nicholas (and possibly JoWAY!) are coming to visit Kyle and I in 3 weeks!!! I am super excited to see them. I miss my family so much and many times wish I was still in Clearwater...but I know the Lord has Kyle and I here in KY for His it's ok. Still doesn't mean I can't dream and search for apartments online in Pinellas County...:-)

8. The sun is shining BRIGHT today in Kentucky! It is so beautiful today...the wintry, drab weather is getting OLD. I'm getting pumped up for spring...the weekend is supposed to be in the mid 50s...which is WARM! Hopefully Kyle and I can go for a walk or bike ride.

9. This really sweet, old man named Bill is sitting next to me in Starbucks right now. He and I are buddies cause we are both here a lot. He holds much knowledge and wisdom, and it's really an honor for me to know him. I have a lot of respect for elderly people. They have so many neat life stories to share and valuable lessons to teach if you are a willing listener.

10. Sometimes I still can't believe that I am married to the ONE person that makes my heart do somersaults. I got to wake up today next to my best friend and have cereal with him before going to work! While He is not nor ever will be the One who fulfills my life...he certainly does make me a happy girl! I love you KDM.

That's it for now...I think I'm gonna do a crossword puzzle now, since those are my favorite. :-)

1 comment:

kdmullett said...

i like these and i love you alot too!!!