Monday, September 26, 2011

Cheese Earrings?

I decided that I want to start documenting the things that Pinterest has inspired me to make or here goes!

My husband, Kyle, saw this pin of making a cheese grater into an earring holder!

Kitchen grater turns into an earring holder.

(He doesn't want his own Pinterest account, because only a few things interest him on there, so he uses mine and has his own personal pinboard with his initials...haha!). He thought it would be a cute birthday gift idea for he bought me an antique/old cheese grater for $5.00 at the local peddler's mall and a bottle of school bus yellow spray paint. And this is how it turned out!

I just love how it turned out! I didn't add the feet on the bottom like in the original, but I think it still gets the job done while looking mighty purdy!

Oh and Kyle also bought me the shutter you see here. I have hung some of my favorite necklaces on it. I debated about painting it...but I kinda like the off-white, original rustic look it has to it. I don't think this will be the permanent use for the shutter, but for now I love it!

That is all I have for this post, but I plan to do more posts like these. I actually want to DO creative things when I see them on Pinterest, instead of leaving all those awesome ideas stuck on a computer screen. ;-)

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