Friday, August 09, 2013

Fresh Start Friday

It's Friday. But more importantly it is a new day. And i am thankful for new days, fresh starts. By the time I went to bed last night, I was feeling very frustrated about the day and some things here and there in my life. I don't really know why, but little things were bothering me and the frustrations just kind of added up and I unexpectedly had a venting session with my sweet husband who is always so patient with me and just listens when he knows that's exactly what I need...even if he has no idea what I'm talking about or thinks I'm being a little irrational. He just listens and offers advice when needed...but a lot of times he just listens because he's learned that's usually what I need. Sometimes it feels good to just vent and then sleep it off and wake up refreshed. It helps too that it's Friday. I love Fridays. Here's to a great day!! x x 

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