Thursday, December 15, 2011

Paper Christmas Trees

So, my dear friend Stephanie Lyell (go check out her amazing photography at and I did a little Pinterest Project last weekend. We made paper Christmas trees!

We bought different pieces of scrapbook paper, posterboard to make the cone base, and used regular Elmer's glue. (Hot glue works faster, but tends to burn! hehe)

We made a cone shape out of the posterboard by twisting it together and taping it at our desired shape/size. We then cut off the bottom so it would be level and stand straight. (However, mine still ended up being a little wonky.) You can buy those Styrofoam cones, but they cost a lot more.

We then cut little strips of the scrapbook paper and curled them on the end of a pen or pencil. Then start gluing them around the cone, starting at the base and working your way up. I did smaller strips, Stephanie did hers a bit bigger, but they both have personality and look great!!!

Here is the original post on Pinterest where we got the idea from:


I only have one picture to post, but I think you get the idea. :-)


Stephanie Lyell said...

Awww! I am honored to be on your blog! I love you :)

Leigh Anna said...

I love you too Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!